

Karen George t/a Historically Speaking



Academic Qualifications / Status:

BA (Hons) (Adelaide); MA (ANU); PhD (Adelaide), Cert IV in Stolen Generations Family Research & case Management


Hazel de Berg Award for excellence in Oral History, Member of the order of Australia (AM)


Life Member Oral History Australia SA Branch

Professional Experience:

Thirty years of experience as a professional historian and sole proprietor of Historically Speaking (consultant historian and writer); Case Manager Territories Stolen Generations
Redress Scheme, Historian Researcher Link-Up SA  Program at Nunkuwarrin Yunti  of SA Inc,
Research Historian Children in State Care Commission of Inquiry, State-based Historian Find
& Connect web resource project, Oral History interviewer for National Library of Aust and
State Library of SA, Oral Historian for Adelaide City Council.

Skills and Services Offered:

Adoption searches, archival research, family history, genealogical research, oral history
services, research and writing, project development and management including exhibitions,
teaching research and oral history skills.

Publications / Reports:

Find & Connect Web Resource – co-researcher & author of
South Australian and Northern Territory sections, Contributions to the Children in State Care
Commission of Inquiry Final Report (2008); Finding your own way: a guide to records of
children’s homes in SA (2005); ‘Oral History and Human Geography’ in Qualitative Research
Methods in Human Geography (co-author, 2005, reprinted); Responses to the interview
experience’ in D. Mellor & A. Haebich (eds), Many Voices, Reflections of experiences of
Indigenous child separation (2002); contributor to Wakefield Companion to South Australian
History (2001); A place of their own: the men and women of war service land settlement at
Loxton after the Second World War (1999); City Memory: a guide and index to the City of
Adelaide oral history collection (1999).

Research Interests:

Adoption searches, family history, First Nations History, genealogical research, Stolen
Generations history,  local history, war and peace studies, welfare history, biography.

Specialist Areas:

Aboriginal studies, Archival advice, Australian studies, Biography, Exhibitions, Local History, Oral history,  Project design, Public speaking, Teaching,  War and peace studies, Welfare history, Writing