
Member Status:

Professional Historian

Membership of Related Societies:

Australian and New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine (ANZSHM); South Australian Medical History Society (SAMHS)

Professional Experience / Skills and Services Offered:

Academic Writing & Publishing;  Medical History Research & Analysis; Archival Research.

Research / Interests:

Medical History; South Australia 19th Century

Publications / Reports:

History publications (non-history publications not cited here)

  • Margaret Boult, ‘ “Get the Prisoners, Sister”: The care of polio victims during the 1937-1938 epidemic’, In C. Adams & B. Dickey, eds., South Australia 1919-1939: Essays from the Professional Historians Association (SA), (Adelaide, 2022), 353-370.
  • Margaret Boult, ‘Epilepsy, Criminality, and Care during the Nineteenth Century,’ Health and History, 22 (1), 86-103, 2020.
  • Margaret Boult, ‘Protecting South Australia from smallpox, 1836 – 1856’, Health and History, In press
  • MPhil Thesis: ‘Epilepsy in the Lunatic Asylums of South Australia (1852 – 1913), University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA. Awarded 2019.